Friday 13 March 2015


Remember not to just get your foot in the door, but also set yourself up for the wild and fabulous success you always dreamed of! SOME SCARY STUFF GETS A LADY AT THE TOP.

And now, career mistakes to avoid in your 20s,:

1.You let your ego or sense of entitlement get in the way of your talents. Self-promotion can help your career, but running around demanding credit for everything you do because you can't stand the idea of others benefitting from your talents will only backfire. When you make other people successful, you become more successful.

2.You don't dress the part. This starts at your first internship — make a habit of getting your clothes right from day one. First impressions are lasting impressions, and even if you work in the most casual tech startup in the whole world, you don't want to show up to work like you rolled out of a teepee at Coachella. Put on a blazer and dry your hair before you show up. The last thing you want to worry you got wrong is your outfit, and you don't want a higher-up to get one look at you and wonder WTF you were thinking when you got dressed or why you work there.

3.You take no for an answer. Sometimes you have to ask people for stuff more than once for them to see that you're right. So, don't take no for an answer! If you need some extra money for a project you're working on and your boss says no, come up with a better case and go back to her in a few days. People often change their minds if you master the art of the persuasive yet forceful follow-up.

4.You spend more time in college worrying about grades than professional connections.Some industries will never ask you about your GPA. Figure out if your time is better spent working on your coursework, or internships and professional development opportunities outside of class, and prioritize accordingly. No one ever asked me what my GPA was or even if I graduated when I was interviewing for writing and editing jobs. Fortunately, I killed myself outside of school to try to get ahead before I got into the real working world.

5.You don't do side projects because you have a full-time job. Side projects are sometimes the only way to cover living expenses and do what you really want to do. Don't say no to an opportunity just because you have a full-time job. You can find time after work or on the weekends to get it done. Think of a successful person you look up to (cough BeyoncĂ© cough). They don't just do one thing and go home and have a glass of wine while watching Friends reruns — they do a million things all the time. And if you want a career as big as your dreams, you will also have to do a million things, make sacrifices, fall out of your chair because you're so dead tired, etc.

Source: Marie Claire Magazine

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