Saturday 21 March 2015

Following Your Passion and Finding Your Purpose

When you see what you’re here for, the world begins to mirror your purpose in a magical way. It’s almost as if you suddenly find yourself on a stage in a play that was written expressly for you. ~ Betty Sue Flowers

You deserve to be happy and your family deserve to be happy too. Always remember that.True happiness comes when we know who we are, what our passion is and what exactly we want for ourselves. Somewhere along the way, you'd have to  pull out the manuscript that had been hiding away for years and start writing again. And as you stumble across the concept of mindfulness, and begin to experience the benefits of meditation,the little mustard seed of an idea becomes reality. And for the first time in a very long time, you will feel inspired, fulfilled and motivated. Most importantly, you will have a sense of purpose.

Life throws unexpected things at us, we all have our different stories and circumstances. None of these stories are void of our challenges and low moments but I do believe that we can make  changes and rewrite our stories in the pursuit of happiness, fulfillment and purpose.

So I ask you these questions… what’s your passion? Are you rewriting your story? What makes you feel happy and fulfilled outside of being a mother, father, husband, wife, brother, sister, son or daughter?

As Barbara Geraci said "Our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become".

Connecting to your unique interests and motivations and coming into your own original self, gives you power  that others can’t claim. The reason for this is the unique fit of these interests to who you are. For others, what you choose to do may seem like a big chore, but for you it won’t even feel like work. When your work fits who you are so well, you stand out as being uniquely capable and uniquely powerful. And the better you get at expressing yourself through your work, the higher your earning potential will be in that capacity.

Here are some things You can do to help you FIND YOUR PASSION & PURPOSE in LIFE:

1. WHEN IT IS NOT WORKING, QUIT FAST. Many people hate their jobs and know that they want to do something different, but they still remain their hated jobs for a long time nonetheless. They stick to their hated jobs for some reasons, one reason for not leaving is that they haven’t actually figured out what it is that they want to do and another reason is because they do not want to take the risk of trying out something new beacuse they are afraid they might fail at it and end up left with nothing. This thinking is flawed because you won’t learn or discover your passion, interest or nothing  by sitting around and thinking about it. If the current situation isn’t working, you need to find something else.

Most people discover what they love to do at the rock bottom of there lives. What happens when you are  down there without knowing what you will do next is that, suddenly, figuring out your next steps becomes urgent. That urgency may be a bit uncomfortable, but it can also be incredibly powerful because it frees you up to invest all of your energy into finding the next thing. Finding the next thing goes from optional to required.It is while finding what next to do, that we discover what really we can do, what we love to do, what we are passionate about, what work we can do without having that  feeling of being trapped.

2. THINK ABOUT YOUR CHILDHOOD. What did you love doing when you were growing up? Was there anything you wanted to be or anything you wanted to do, but were told you couldn’t or shouldn’t? Remeber we had that free spirit as kids. We cared less about what people thought about us and we didn't have to worry about how to pay the bills too.

We just did what we loved to do anytime anyday...The best career advice to give the young is, find out what you like doing best and get someone else to pay you for doing it-Katherine Whilehaen

3. FIND A QUIET SPOT, GRAB A PEN AND A PAPER AND WRITE.Ask yourself, If I had 1 million dollars, how would my life look like and start from there. Write down all the things youʼre good at, all the things youʼve ever wanted to do, all the things youʼd do if you could. You donʼt need to be rational here, just write for at least 10 minutes. Try not to let your ego take over. Just let the words roll out.

The pen that writes your life story must be held in your own hand. ~ Irene C. Kassorla

 Now review what you have written. Does anything jump out? Whatʼs your heart telling you?

4. PICK THE THINGS THAT REALLY SPOKE TO YOU. Start thinking about what changes you could make in your life to implement one of these things. If fear is stopping you, you can overcome fear. Itʼs all about baby steps.

You will recognize your own path when you come upon it, because you will suddenly have all the energy and imagination you will ever need. ~ Jerry Gillies

5. DON'T MAKE MONEY YOUR PRIMARY DECISION.If you’re looking to spend your life doing something you love, the best way to start is to treat financial concerns as secondary. If the practicality of what you do and how much money you earn are your primary criteria you will instantly limit your options to what’s predictable and getting to do what you love will be tough.

 On the other hand, if you allow yourself to pursue your curiosity, you will find yourself in the position of power and, eventually, in the position to earn money on your terms.

Sometimes it takes time. Enjoy the ride!
To love what you do and feel that it matters — how could anything be more fun? -Katharine Graham.

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