Monday 23 March 2015

Self Acceptance, key to Inner Happiness

We have everything we need within us to make us happy and yet we often fail to see it.We fail to understand that each and every one of us on earth is a magnificent creation that has no equal in the universe at this point in time. You are special and you were meant to be.

Self acceptance is the acceptance of all our thoughts, emotions and behaviors not necessarily because we like, condone or admire them but rather because we do not disown or deny any part of ourselves. For example, I have done some things that are too shocking and dismaying to even think of.My reactions, feelings and behaviors have had so many clashes with my beliefs on countless number of times.

The question is, can we allow space within our space of consciousness for every reality without retreating into  denial or some other form of avoidance.

Most people do not really understand what self acceptance really is.They believe self acceptance means liking, condoning and admiring every part of us, both the good and the bad.Self acceptance means not denying reality. It could mean, oh I am not happy about what I did to this person but i do accept the fact that i did it.It could means, I am not pleased with the way I reacted but I do acknowledge the fact that I reacted that way. It is simply facing the 'whole of our reality without subjecting ourselves to cruel punishment or hate. A times the reality of our actions are bitter and very difficult to come to terms with but it is when we open ourselves to the whole of our reality that we grow stronger.

Owning up to our bad behaviors and accepting them as part of us is the first step to making a change.How can you progress if you refuse to face reality of where you are now? How can we work on our toxic emotions, behaviors or thoughts if we do not first admit that we own them? How can we ever learn to make our wrong right if we never accept our wrong in the first place?

Being afraid to accept  our strengths and accomplishment just because it invites someone's disapproval is a great challenge too.How can you confine your strength and betray YOU all in the name of trying to avoid people's hostility and hate? It is not right for us not to accept our strengths, accomplishments, wonderful talents,beauty and many more great assets we possess.Accept the great assets you posses so that you can bring the best within you.

"When you fight a block or a resistance, it grows stronger.When you acknowledge , accept, and experience it fully, it begins to melt"~Nathaniel Branden.

I will end with this great advice, ACCEPT ALL OF YOU. Accept the part of you that messed up at some point in life, forgive every part of you that did not meet up to your expectations, accept the wonderful qualities you possess, accept who you were when you knew less of what you know today.By the way all we were are all responsible for who you are today.You can call yourself an expert too, because you experienced, you learnt, you discovered, you accepted and you recovered.This is the only way to experience inner harmony whereby is child is at peace with the adult.

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