Saturday 14 March 2015


Oh no i am too old for this, oh no i am to old to start this because i think i have sailed that ship already.Ever felt that way? i did and i still feel that way a times but what i never do, is allow that feeling stay for too long anymore, i never allow the fear of my age being too big or too small stop me from  pursuing my dreams.Everyone has started out on a journey only to realize at some point that that journey was not really what they wanted to embark on,they did start this journey either as result of pressure from people around them or due to self discovery deficiency they were suffering from that point in their lives.Yes, it is very okay to reach that rock bottom of our lives and start to ask these questions,what exactly is my role on earth? what can i do and enjoy at that same time? what are my dreams? how can i change my situation and at the same make the world better?....truth be told these questions start to roll in when we are at the down moments in our lives, probably when we have already tried and experimented all our guess works on lives only to get a fail as a result,then only we did start asking these questions.

Then we start seeking answers, we keep searching for this until we find  parts of our lives which we never knew existed, one treasure we find as we begin this search is a new dream.A dream that  laid too low, silenced and held bond with the keys thrown into the deepest dungeon of our soul,Yes! we finally find that dream but something so small yet powerful enough to stop us from pursuing this new dream is the fear of being too old to pursue it.Well, damn ageism!yes i said so and if you reading this say it out loud 'damn ageism', mind you i am not sure that word 'ageism' can be found in the dictionary though.

Here is the point. the age at which you discover your dream should not be an hindrance to achieving it.People realize what there roles are at different ages for different reasons but does the age really matter?i can swear it doesn't-----no one cares about what age you find a new dream, people care when you become a nuisance to the society and i bet that if you keep living outside your dreams,staying far from them you will end up a depressed,frustrated individual with an unfulfilled life.For the fact that you are alive is a reason for you not to give up on your dreams, the fact that you have finally found what you were born to do should be a reason why you should never give a damn about your age.A  fulfilled seventy year old,who took a bold step and pursued his/her dream is better that a seventy year who is too afraid to dare to pursue his/her dream because of age.Hello! pursue the only thing that can make your life meaningful and colorful, your dream.Take your chance, pursue your dream, i have never met a person who embarked on that journey and didn't stand out in life.You might have regrets on why it took you so long to discover your role but don't allow it defeat you and keep you on the ground,if you do you will only have more of those regrets as you draw closer to taking your last breath.Pursue the dream and light up your world

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