Tuesday 21 April 2015

The Eating Disorder—Bulimia

Once again, Tania is on a liquid diet. “I’m going to stick with it,” she tells herself. “I won’t give in to the cravings this time.” But as the day goes on, Tania's willpower weakens. All she can think about is food. Finally, she decides to give in to the urge to binge. She can’t control herself any longer. She grabs a pint of ice cream out of the freezer, finishing it within a matter of minutes. Then she's on to anything else she can find in the kitchen. After 45 minutes of bingeing, Tania is so stuffed that her
stomach feels like it’s going to burst. She’s disgusted with herself and terrified by the thousands of calories she’s consumed. She runs to the bathroom to throw up. Afterwards, she steps on the scale to make sure she hasn’t gained any weight. She vows to start her diet again tomorrow. Tomorrow, it will be different.

Bulimia nervosa is a serious, potentially life-threatening eating disorder characterized by a vicious cycle of bingeing and compensatory behaviors such as self-induced vomiting,purging, fasting or exercising  designed to undo or compensate for the effects of binge eating, this takes a toll on your body and emotional well-being.

For a person struggling with bulimia, life is a constant battle between the desire to lose weight or stay thin and the overwhelming compulsion to binge eat. The emotional torture and panic that sets in after giving in to binge makes the person to begin to panic and find ways to undo the binge— such as taking ex-lax, inducing vomiting, or going for a ten-mile run. And all the while, you feel increasingly out of control.

It’s important to note that bulimia doesn't necessarily involve physically eliminating the food from your body by throwing up or using laxatives, enemas, or diuretics. If you make up for your binges by fasting, exercising to excess, or going on crash diets, this also qualifies as bulimia.

Binge eating signs and symptoms
-Lack of control over eating – Inability to stop eating. Eating until the point of physical discomfort and pain.

-Secrecy surrounding eating – Going to the kitchen after everyone else has gone to bed. Going out alone on unexpected food runs. Wanting to eat in privacy.

-Eating unusually large amounts of food with no obvious change in weight.

-Alternating between overeating and fasting – Rarely eats normal meals. It’s all-or-nothing when it comes to food.

Purging signs and symptoms
-Going to the bathroom after meals – Frequently disappears after meals or takes a trip to the bathroom to throw up. May run the water to disguise sounds of vomiting.

-Smell of vomit – The bathroom or the person may smell like vomit. They may try to cover up the smell with mouthwash, perfume, air freshener, gum, or mints.

Physical signs and symptoms of bulimia
-Calluses or scars on the knuckles or hands from sticking fingers down the throat to induce vomiting.
Puffy “chipmunk” cheeks caused by repeated vomiting.

-Discolored teeth from exposure to stomach acid when throwing up. May look yellow, ragged, or clear.

-Not underweight – Men and women with bulimia are usually normal weight or slightly overweight. Being underweight while purging might indicate a purging type of anorexia.

-Frequent fluctuations in weight.

What Causes Bulimia?

There is no single cause of bulimia. While low self-esteem and concerns about weight and body image play major roles, there are many other contributing causes. In most cases, people suffering with bulimia—and eating disorders in general—have trouble managing emotions in a healthy way. Eating can be an emotional release so it’s not surprising that people binge and purge when feeling angry, depressed, stressed, or anxious.One thing is certain. Bulimia is a complex emotional issue. Major causes and risk factors for bulimia include:

Poor body image: Our culture’s emphasis on thinness and beauty can lead to body dissatisfaction, particularly in young women bombarded with media images of an unrealistic physical ideal.

Low self-esteem: Women or men who think of themselves as useless, worthless, and unattractive are at risk for bulimia. Things that can contribute to low self-esteem include depression, perfectionism, childhood abuse, and a critical home environment.
Major life changes: Bulimia is often triggered by stressful changes or transitions, such as the physical changes of puberty, going away to college, or the breakup of a relationship. Binging and purging may be a negative way to cope with the stress.

Appearance-oriented professions or activities: People who face tremendous image pressure are vulnerable to developing bulimia. Those at risk include ballet dancers, models, gymnasts, wrestlers, runners, and actors.

Effects Of  Bulimia
The most dangerous side effect of bulimia is dehydration due to purging. Vomiting, laxatives, and diuretics can cause electrolyte imbalances in the body, most commonly in the form of low potassium levels. Low potassium levels trigger a wide range of symptoms ranging from lethargy and cloudy thinking to irregular heartbeat and death. Chronically low levels of potassium can also result in kidney failure.

Other common medical complications and adverse effects of bulimia include:

Weight gain
Abdominal pain, bloating
Swelling of the hands and feet
Chronic sore throat, hoarseness
Broken blood vessels in the eyes
Swollen cheeks and salivary glands
Weakness and dizziness
Tooth decay and mouth sores
Acid reflux or ulcers
Ruptured stomach or esophagus
Loss of menstrual periods
Chronic constipation from laxative abuse

Steps To Bulimia Recovery

Admit you have a problem. Stop living in denial. The first step in bulimia recovery is admitting that your relationship to food is distorted and out of control.

Talk to someone. You may be ashamed, ambivalent, or afraid of what others will think. But it’s important to understand that you’re not alone. Find a good listener—someone who will support you as you try to get better.

Stay away from people, places, and activities that trigger the temptation to binge or purge. You may need to avoid looking at fashion or fitness magazines, spend less time with friends who constantly diet and talk about losing weight, and stay away from weight loss web sites and “pro-mia” sites that promote bulimia.

Seek professional help. The advice and support of trained eating disorder professionals can help you regain your health, learn to eat normally again, and develop healthier attitudes about food and your body.

Because poor body image and low self-esteem lie at the heart of bulimia, therapy is an important part of recovery. It’s common to feel isolated and shamed by your bingeing and purging, and therapists can help with these feelings.

The treatment of choice for bulimia could be psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy or family therapy.

If you are living with bulimia, you know how scary it feels to be so out of control. Knowing that you are harming your body just adds to the fear. But  change is possible. Regardless of how long you’ve struggled with bulimia, the cycle can be broken and you can develop a healthier attitude toward food and your body. If you are thinking of getting help for bulimia, you are taking a big step forward.

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