Friday 17 April 2015

How Your Inner Circle Reflects Your Inner Mindset.

A strong community is critical for success. And by success I mean whatever you think is required to live a rich, meaningful life.

Your inner circle are the people are close to you, they are people  have the power to influence your life and your decisions.

Let's start with our personal goals. There are things we want to achieve in life. I personally want to spend more time with my family and friends, build a stronger relationship with God, become a more organized woman, finish my first degree and become a better blogger. For now, these are the things I want to achieve. Writing down our goals is not enough but, doing
what has to be done to achieve them is!

I have heard people say they want to  become successful people yet they surround themselves with people who have no idea whatsoever they want to become in life. You will only become it when you start surrounding yourself with people who are already it. When your inner circle is made of clueless people, who do not support you endeavor and motivate to climb higher on the ladder of success, you find yourself living below your expectation; you will find your reality contradicting your dream.

If you want to become a successful business man/ woman you should go out there and build relationships with people who are successful business people. Speak with them, hang out with them, share ideas, watch them and listen to them.

Who are the people you interact with on a daily basis? Who are your friends? Are they genuinely supportive of you and your endeavors?  Do they share the same hunger for success as you do? ...these people influence us wether we realize it or not. This is where our inner mindset intersects with our inner circle. The influence they have on our day-to-day life affects the sum total of who we become at the end of the day.

A great woman once said during an interview,  that she had to leave her friends to live her dreams. She said staying with them wasn't helping any of them. They were all down there, right at the bottom of there lives, clueless and wandering, with no vision. The moment she decided to to get of the circle, she got out of her sad, clueless and broke life. She started hanging out with people who had what she wanted and gradually she saw herself becoming who she wanted to be. Today she is a life coach and a millionaire.

Your inner circle should be a source of positive influence and energy to achieving your goals. Move with people who believe in you, people who have what you need to achieve your dream. People who are not a waste of time but rather, a value added to your life. If you begin to bring your inner circle into your goals, by making sure they are both well aligned, you will be propelled into greatness.

Build the right inner circle that can hold your dream and bring every of your goals, ideas and desires into reality.

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