Monday, 27 July 2015

The Secret Every Woman Should Know About Herself

"Of course, men like it when they see us in those beautiful outfits looking sexy and hot, they like it when you have your make up on and you look perfect but these things won't get them to bow to your feet. They will only bow to a woman who loves and cherish herself. "

Every woman wants to be young, happy and graceful but the secret to being all that is not in Botox and plenty make up. The secret to being young, happy and graceful is in you. The secret is treating your own person well and making your 'self' content. Everyone talks about self love but only few people truly practice self love. 

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Quote Of The day

" We are told to let our light shine, and if it does, we won't need to tell anybody it does. Lighthouses don't fire cannons to call attention to their shining - they just shine." ~
Dwight L. Moody

What Time and Presence Means To Both Gender.

The research of 2000 men found that men switch off after an average of six minutes when chatting with a partner, but stay tuned for 15 minutes when talking football or sex lives with mates. I tell you, this isn't good news but I have always known that men are bad listeners even before that research was conducted lol.

Men like facts, woman like to give details.

When a woman keeps talking and the man keeps giving really short answers for a reply, after a short silence, you will hear her say 'where are you? I am talking to you about something really important